
Monday, March 19

In time for the #FinalFour: that northbound I-37 ramp

One might say we're a bit excited for the Final Four set to roll into town here next week. Most of our engineers are Aggies, after all - and we even have a rogue Raider or two on staff hoping for a few more trips to Whataburger. All are way more loyal to their teams than their brackets (perhaps particularly this year).
They're also committed to ensuring a smooth weekend for the influx of basketball fans surely headed this way.
One major concern had by folks in our community is the northbound I-37 exit ramp to Carolina and Florida avenues. The ramp closed late last year while crews repaired an issue with the ground and erosion. It will reopen by our close of business March 22.
While it won't directly impact those headed to the Alamodome between March 30 and April 2, we have been working to ensure the ramp would indeed be open to ensure smooth traffic flow in the area.
After the crowds clear locals will see some work continue, but we think we'll be able to finish things up without closing the ramp down long-term again.