
Thursday, February 26

The next big I-10 closure (tentatively) scheduled

The next major closure of I-10 at Ralph Fair Road will be the last, and has been scheduled by Sundt for March 7-9.

The cold front earlier this week and forecasts of wet weather early next week could push the date back a week, but for now project managers are pushing to be ready for March 7. The closure will allow Sundt to safely pour concrete to make up the remaining portion of the Ralph Fair Road bridge deck over I-10. The main lanes of I-10 will close in both directions to mitigate the risk of concrete and other materials falling onto cars passing by.

Crews will close the main lanes of I-10 early Saturday morning and will re-open the highway as soon as they are cleared to do so. Sundt has scheduled crews for the closure through Monday morning at 5 a.m. Drivers should expect the highway to be closed through the weekend. Ralph Fair Road will also close at Old Fredericksburg Road to allow I-10 traffic to move freely through the intersections at Ralph Fair Road. This is the same traffic pattern we've followed for previous closures:

This is the last of several closures at this location, giving folks driving through the area a hint work is nearly finished. Once the bridge deck is poured crews have just a few major items remaining before they'll be ready to have the bridge opened and in use:
  • The "rail" - or concrete barrier - will need to be formed and built (takes about 3 weeks to do)
  • Tie-ins on the bridge and the bridge approaches will need to be constructed, involving concrete and asphalt work
  • Roadway markings - paint, etc. - will need to be placed
  • Signs on and around the bridge will need to be installed (one of the last things we do)
  • Electrical systems need to be installed and wired
  • New signal poles and mast arms need to be erected
All told, the work should be wrapped up by the start of summer. Sundt will use overnight closures to build the rail along the edges of the bridge; those closures will only require a single lane at a time. When it's time to open the bridge, we'll have a weekend of closures on the frontage roads and on Ralph Fair Road. That work hasn't yet been scheduled.

Again, here are the major highlights:

Next major closure of I-10 main lanes at Ralph Fair Road is scheduled for March 7-9.

Poor weather could push this work back a week.

This is the last major closure of I-10 associated with the Ralph Fair Road project.