Cold temperatures have forced Webber Construction to reschedule concrete work to built up retaining walls along the I-10 Huebner project, making excavation work the primary focus for crews on the project this week.
Again ... that's if weather cooperates.
The heaviest excavation is between DeZavala Road and UTSA Boulevard, where a detention system is being built and preparation for the reconstruction of the DeZavala overpass bridge is underway. The detention ponds are nearly complete, with the first system (two systems are being built) awaiting a final backfill and the second nearly excavated.
Preparation for the DeZavala overpass is the reason for the narrowed lanes and lack of median shoulder through the short stretch around the busy cross-street; overnight work to build the temporary detours to allow the reconstruction of the bridge is scheduled routinely for the upcoming weeks. Of course, warmer temperatures are needed for asphalt to be laid in place.
During that reconstruction, traffic will be pushed over onto one side of the bridge - onto the current westbound side first, then onto the current eastbound side. Three lanes will be maintained in each direction, and those lanes will be reduced to about 10 feet each lane. The narrowed lanes will, no doubt, require traffic to slow down a bit while passing through the area.
In the meantime, the digging will continue. Retaining walls make up the bulk of taskwork between UTSA Boulevard and Huebner Road, with job site maintenance taking a prominent role while cold weather prevents concrete pours.
The big news
(Yes, we're saving the biggest news for last, to make sure you read the whole post....) At the end of this month Webber's project managers anticipate hanging beams for the new east-to-west turnaround bridge at UTSA Boulevard. This will require closing down the main lanes of I-10 overnight. We'll close down one direction at a time, with the likely scenario being (for instance) the eastbound side closed on a Friday night and the westbound side being closed on a Saturday night. Traffic would be diverted to the frontage road during these closures.
The target for this work is Feb. 28-Mar. 1 ... but that's a target. Weather and other factors may impact that target, but for now plan on seeing some major closures during that weekend.