Friday, September 16

Braun Rd at Lp 1604

Now that we've gotten the overpasses on Lp 1604 between Bandera and Culebra roads finished up, we're seeing the little quirks of what's been left as a final product.

Braun Road has had it's own saga of needed improvements and driver frustrations, and we've recently been made aware of an issue that's entirely new to us. Frankly, we hadn't quite thought of the issue. Because of that, we thank those who reached out to bring it to our attention.

Pavement markings like these
should solve the issue.
The problem area is westbound Braun Road approaching Lp 1604. That's the folks coming from the Great Northwest (most of whom are cutting the corner from Bandera Road) and heading to Helotes or the subdivisions along Braun Road outside Loop 1604. At this spot, we've got two lanes of traffic that flows into three lanes at Loop 1604, which then whittles back down to two lanes outside Lp 1604. The inverted hourglass shape (we made that up just now) causes some to wonder: Who gets that middle lane?

Some have expressed concern the lanes aren't aligned the way they were before that new overpass was built. The difference amounts to about two feet, but the alignment is actually about the same. To the overwhelming majority there's no perceivable difference. However, we do lack the "puppy tracks" that were once used to direct traffic into appropriate lanes.

Anyway, in that spirit, check out this brief slide show on what's been out there and what we're doing about it:

Striping crews will be in to lay down the puppy tracks next week.