We're on a roll with good news for US 281 drivers!
Earlier today we let you know about the scheduled opening of the new northbound Redland Road bypass/bridge as well as the new Redland Road intersection below the bridge, both scheduled to roll out Monday (November 25) morning.
That same morning, all scheduled for morning rush hour opening, we also plan to unveil two new turnaround locations on US 281
The US 281 north- to southbound turnaround at Encino Rio will open. Northbound traffic will be able to merge into the leftmost lane to make an easy turnaround.
Also opening is the US 281 south- to northbound turnaround at Redland Road. Southbound commuters will be able to merge into the left-most lane and drive under the new Redland Road bypass bridge to avoid turning left at the signalized intersection.
As we open these turnarounds, we will also close the temporary turnarounds in between Redland and Encino Rio.
Please note that construction is weather permitting and subject to change.
You can stay informed of lane closures by receiving email alerts. Sign up here: http://eepurl.com/cXz2kr).
Also opening is the US 281 south- to northbound turnaround at Redland Road. Southbound commuters will be able to merge into the left-most lane and drive under the new Redland Road bypass bridge to avoid turning left at the signalized intersection.
As we open these turnarounds, we will also close the temporary turnarounds in between Redland and Encino Rio.
Please note that construction is weather permitting and subject to change.
You can stay informed of lane closures by receiving email alerts. Sign up here: http://eepurl.com/cXz2kr).