Friday, September 24

Loop 410 and I-10 Interchange Ramp Closure in East San Antonio

This Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. crews for the I-410/I-10 East Interchange Project in east San Antonio will be closing the westbound I-10 ramp connecting to northbound I-410 to repair guardrail fences.


I-10 Westbound traffic to I-410 North should take the I-410 southbound ramp to the I-10 eastbound ramp to the I-410 northbound ramp.

Various closures of the ramp connections between I-410 and I-10 East will be required periodically throughout the next three years of the project. These closures can sometimes be complex due to the nature of the cloverleaf interchange, but clear detour options will be provided. 

Learn more about the project at here

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