Again, the wet weather forecast for this weekend, beginning Friday, will likely push that back at least a day, perhaps a few more. Wet weather stops necessary dirt and paving work, as well as the painting that needs to happen, to allow us to move traffic over.
Whatever the weather, the point is traffic will be following the final footprint of U.S. 281 through the Spring Branch area next week. For now, traffic will only have one lane in each direction - this is to allow some extra space with which to safely work while some final details are being worked out.
One thing to note: the Spring Branch Post Office is still in its location ... and we had to build the road around the Post Office. Northbound lanes will bank left, then right, around the Post Office as the road comes down off Coyote Ridge. The posted limit is 55 miles per hour... but folks driving this road may think about slowing down a bit more than that. When driving through the area, remember to be safe and drive smart.
Hunter Industries is preparing the area for a final surface of asphalt, set to come soon. Once the final surface is down, striping crews can paint the roadway and traffic will be put in its final configuration - with two lanes each way (speed limits still 50 or 55 miles per hour).
Weather permitting, that should happen in time for family to visit for Thanksgiving.