These new lanes would be managed lanes.
If you're interested in seeing the proposed concept design and providing direct feedback on this project, we're hosting a public meeting Tuesday, May 19 from 5 until 7 p.m. This will be held at the Leon Springs Baptist Church at 24133 Boerne Stage Road. The meeting will be an open-house format, with no formal presentation. Attendees may come and go as they please.
Again, here are the particulars of the meeting:
When - Tuesday, May 19. 5-7 p.m.
Where - Leon Springs Baptist Church, 24133 Boerne Stage Road
What - Open house regarding proposed managed lanes along I-10 between La Cantera Pkwy and Ralph Fair Road
Why - So you can provide input and get questions answered directly from those who plan and design these projects
When - Tuesday, May 19. 5-7 p.m.
Where - Leon Springs Baptist Church, 24133 Boerne Stage Road
What - Open house regarding proposed managed lanes along I-10 between La Cantera Pkwy and Ralph Fair Road
Why - So you can provide input and get questions answered directly from those who plan and design these projects