Tuesday, April 22

I-10 Huebner update

"The workforce is going up greatly."

This report by Webber's superintendent indicated the addition of an extra dirt crew, an extra bridge crew and additional workers from across the state to be added to all crews. The adage, "many hands makes light work" applies here; the added crews will most certainly mean another boost in production rates. Including subcontractors on the project, this is the third increase in manpower the project has seen in the last six months.

With the added force, Webber will continue pushing forward on a list of retaining wall work from one end of the project to the other. The use of these walls is becoming increasingly evident as dirt-moving crews shift over to widening work. One of the more visible of these areas being widened is the westbound exit ramp to Woodstone, which will be a two-lane exit ramp when we're finished and will hold traffic headed to DeZavala Road as well as to Woodstone.

Overnight closures to demo the center median barrier is ongoing, and Webber still anticipates shifting traffic for work on the DeZavala Road overpass. That work, which will carry two incentives-laden milestones, will last about a year.